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The Significance Of Various Colors In Packaging Design

Views: 34     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-08-29      Origin: Site


There are so many items on the market today to choose from, And our expectations for special products and packaging have become more refined. Brands are also racing to catch up, and even the brand image has undergone tremendous changes. The packaging design was supposed to set off the brand image, but now the brand image has become secondary, while the packaging has become the canvas of art and design, and the product and brand have become the second participants.

Each color represents a different meaning in packaging design. The colors you choose should relate to your logo and reflect the image you want to project on the market to attract buyers. Color is the best way to reflect and enhance the unified image and brand image of a product because it is a visual medium. Don't make the mistake of choosing your favorite color first without checking the subliminal message of the color. It might be a nice color, but it just doesn't fit your business image.

In color psychology, white is a blank canvas to write on, symbolizing innocence, equality, and new beginnings. It is safe, conservative and not risky to choose it as a packaging color. But using creativity and color embellishments can differentiate your product from your competitors, and by adding another color to print or embellish it, you can create any number of different messages. Such as adding red means excitement, yellow trim means more a relaxed, happy and fun product, while black trim adds a sense of sophistication and prestige. But beware, the more colors the packaging has, the less serious the product is. A simple combination of two colors will look more elegant.

Black is the color that represents power, authority and control. Products packaged in black will stand out and convey a higher perceived value. While black adds a sense of mystery, if you add a gold color to the packaging, it will add a sense of elegance.

black packaging

And blue is usually associated with trust, honesty, reliability and strength. The darker the blue, the more professional, serious and conservative the product will be perceived; otherwise, the softer and more creative the product will appear. At the same time, blue packaging can also make people feel relaxed and calm, and is considered a more mature color, so if you want to capture the market of young people, do not use blue as the packaging of products.

"New Age" products are often packaged in purple to show individuality, creativity and uniqueness. Purple represents the union of body and soul, and it is suitable for packaging overall products or anything related to spirituality. Purple tends to be more attractive to women and youth markets, and now it's slowly being embraced by men. Lavender means fantasy or nostalgic products.

Every color choice in packaging design differentiates your product from your competitors, so you need to understand the cultural preferences of your target market and whether the color you choose has cultural implications. Brands are not just an extension of identity, they represent who you are and the values you stand for. When consumers buy your values, packaging plays the role of reflecting those values off the shelf. Realizing the importance of color to packaging, you will know how to custom pick to suit your brand.


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