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FAQ Category


  • Q When will you ship my order?

    A It is usually delivered within 10 to 20 working days after payment and document confirmed, depends on quantity. If your order is urgent, we will adjust the schedule appropriately and continue to follow up the production process for you.China Packaging Cheap Customized Logo Private Label Eco Friendly Paper Mailer Mailing Corrugated Shipping Box For ShoesTom.
  • Q If the products have some quality problem, how will you deal with it?

    A Each step of production and finished products will be inspected by QC department before shipping. If the quality problem of products caused by us, we will provide a replacement service.
  • Q Where is your company located? How can I visit there?

    A We are MANUFACTURER located in Kunshang Jiangsu China. We gain very good reputation among our customers for our professional, warm and thoughtful service. Because we know that a long terms business based on the quality control, price, packing, delivery time etc. And thank you for your visiting.
  • Q How to get samples? Is the sample charged? How long does the sample ship?

    A 1)Send inquiries to contact the account manager to request the samples;
    2)The stock samples are free, the samples produced are charged according to your requirements;
    3)The samples will be sent within 7 days;
    4)Sample fee will be refunded according to the order amount.
  • Q Can i get a sample before mass production?

    A Sure! We will free make the production sample for your inspection when you had placed the mass production order. If you are on the beginning stage and want to have the sample customized before order placed, we can make it for you too, but you need to pay the basic sample production cost.If you only want to check our production quality, we can also send you our existing sample for you.


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 +86 18261707955


Building 5 , No.302 Hongyang Road, Qiandeng Town,Kunshan
​Copyright 2022 Kunshan Aobo Environmental Technology CO.,LTD.