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“One Person Package” Is More Popular

Views: 43     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-07-01      Origin: Site


Many products are now available in a one-person package, and even when going out to eat and take out, there will be a set meal for one person. It can be said that merchants provide consumers with a one-person lifestyle and meet the living needs of single people or people living alone. The "eating for one" group not only pursues convenience and efficiency, but also pursues quality and style. In terms of "eating", they are willing to spend time and energy to "please themselves". This is why there are more and more products per serving. With the "rise" of the single economy, the consumption demand for one person has been awakened. For these single people, the large and two-person goods will be wasted if they are not used up, so they have turned to small and small selections.

one person package

According to data from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the single adult population in China is on the rise, reaching more than 200 million, while the single adult population exceeds 77 million, supporting the "loneliness economics". More and more people living alone are subtly driving the development of the mini economy. Due to the cost of living and convenience, they will naturally pursue products with smaller specifications. Globally, the number of single-person households is growing faster than other types of households, bringing a new dimension to commodity packaging. From the perspective of the industry, there is undoubtedly a huge market space for the "one-person" lonely economy. For young people, even one person has to live a wonderful life. They generally have a higher pursuit of quality of life, and have a strong sense of "living for oneself". The popularity of packaged goods for one serving reflects the change in consumer attitudes to a large extent. With the continuous upgrading and transformation of consumption concepts, compared with the past when cost-effectiveness was the primary consideration for consumption, the younger generation of consumers now pay more attention to rational consumption. Small packaging can not only greatly reduce the difficulty of purchasing decisions, but also allow you to try more flavors and styles at the same price, effectively satisfying consumers' early adopters. In order to meet the needs of this type of single group, all walks of life have taken measures to continuously launch independent brands or sub-brands that meet the needs of single groups, as well as their personalized products, all hoping to share the "giant cake" of the loneliness economy. In fact, not only in the catering industry, but also in individual fields such as mini home appliances, mini entertainment and artificial intelligence, this "one person's happiness" and the new way of life it brings are also fully opened.

In fact, whether it is an individual package or a product for one person, it is the adjustment made by the merchant according to the market demand. The product for one person may become the mainstream direction of future development in the industry because it well solves the core demands of consumers. According to industry insiders, with the continuous changes in market demand, consumers have begun to force industrial innovation and upgrading, and the emergence of mini-products is a good proof.


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