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What packaging graphics do people of different ages like?

Views: 118     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-10-14      Origin: Site


In order to create a unique style and individuality in packaging design, graphics are a very important expression method. It plays the role of a salesman and can convey the contents of the packaging to consumers through the visual function. It has a strong visual impact and can attract the attention of consumers, thereby generating a desire to buy.

Factors that determine packaging graphics

1. The packaging graphics are related to the age, gender and education level of the appeal object

Packaging graphics and appeal objects are related, especially if they are under the age of 30. When designing product packaging graphics, it should be well grasped, so that the designed packaging graphics can be recognized by the object of appeal, so as to achieve the purpose of demand.

Under 12 years old: This age group is a child, and tends to be subjective in recognizing and expressing graphics. For example, he is very fond of cartoon characters, semi-figurative graphics and those dynamic and interesting graphics, which are in line with the simple and innocent psychological characteristics of children.

13-19 years old: This age group is adolescence, they are full of fantasy and imitation, and they like idol-style, dream-style and more stylized packaging graphics.

20-29 years old: young people after the age of 20, the physical development has matured. Gender differences are also particularly striking. Begin to pay attention to the sense of value and authority, and most of them are already in the employment stage. They have strong judgment and are acceptable to packaging graphics in different forms, but they are still fresh in abstract graphics.

30-49 years old: Most of the people in this age group have married and started their own business. Due to the influence of life, occupation, economy, society and other factors, their thoughts are more realistic, and they have a strong concept of orientation. They like rational realism, and most of them prefer figurative graphics.


Gender factor

Men like adventure and have the ambition to conquer others; women like grace and stability. Therefore, men prefer descriptive, sci-fi, and new visual representations in the presentation of packaging graphics. Women, on the other hand, are more inclined to emotional needs, prefer figurative and beautiful forms of expression, as well as physical and psychological factors, which should also be considered.

Education background

In the process of learning, education changes people's concept and temperament, and also changes the judgment standard of knowledge. Due to the difference in education level, there are great differences in the preferences for packaging representation. People with higher education are more likely to accept abstract graphics; people with less education prefer to choose realistic figurative graphics that are easy to distinguish.

2. There is a close relationship between packaging graphics and packaging contents.

Packaging graphics can be classified into three types: figurative graphics, semi-figurative graphics and abstract graphics, which are closely related to the contents of the packaging, so as to fully convey the characteristics of the product, otherwise it will not have any meaning and cannot be reminiscent of people. To anything, can not expect it to have any effect, that would be the biggest failure of the packaging designer. Under normal circumstances, if the product is more physiological, such as eating and drinking, it will focus more on the use of figurative graphics; if the product is more psychological, most use abstract or semi-figurative graphics.


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