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Elements of series packaging design

Views: 77     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-02-27      Origin: Site


Packaging design is a rational science of design and visual art that integrates applicable technology, marketing and artistic aesthetics. It does not only make the product with both safe and unique charming coat, in today's often become a firm and powerful promotional tool. How should packaging design develop in the future, the following is a brief introduction to the basic elements of packaging design.

1. Unconventional handwritten fonts

Increasingly, packaging is being designed with unstructured handwritten fonts or scribbles, as if created by a single stroke of the hand, and with more natural materials. In short, every effort is being made to reveal the authenticity and craftsmanship of the product, emphasising its human personality and warmth, in the hope of establishing an emotional connection with the consumer.

2. The "less is more" value

Brands that use this style of packaging design are well placed to capture the psychology of the customer - who really doesn't want to be overwhelmed with information, and who is aesthetically tired of elaborate and unnecessary decorations. The simplicity of the form shows aesthetic taste and also communicates directly and effectively the core of the brand, what it is focused on selling. To make a further distinction, this type of packaging could be minimalist and abstract with a technological touch, or it could be a softer design with an understated air of sophistication or positioning.

package design

3. Art and illustration

Many artists tell stories through images. Drawings on packaging design are a great way for brands to tell their own stories. Simple or realistic drawings that accurately portray the function and use of a product, and more imaginative, artistic drawings that make the product appealing or inspire a special emotion in the customer - therein lies the magic of art.

4. Creative

There is no doubt that packaging design is becoming more and more playful. Rather than people becoming more creative, designers and brands have become more open-minded, more willing to show imagination and humour in their products. Subtle humour makes people smile, it creates a good brand image and the fun design makes customers feel happy before they even start using it.

5. Series packaging design

Packaging design is part of an overall marketing strategy, and there is a difference between the design of a range of products and that of individual products, each with its own characteristics but maintaining a consistent brand identity. A good range of products can make the promotion more powerful and reinforce the brand image. This is why more and more brands are going for a 'range' of products, where the style is consistent throughout, but where the difference in detail is more than just a change of colour.

6. Strong colour contrast

As mentioned earlier, many packages are simple, yet they manage to catch the eye and communicate the brand and message in a straightforward manner. A good way to continue this idea is to choose geometric patterns with strong colours. Geometry itself is simple in outline and familiar to everyone, but it is also highly abstract and there are infinite variations of different colours and shapes combined together to create new patterns.


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