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The psychology of packaging design

Views: 105     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-10-04      Origin: Site


The packaging of the product has two functions, one is to protect the product, and the other is to promote and beautify the product. In addition to paying attention to aesthetics, product packaging should also start from the psychology of consumers and poke at their pain points when purchasing products. Or at least it should impress consumers.

The average consumer's motivation to buy is: they need the product.

In addition to this motivation, we should also explore the consumption concept that stimulates their hearts. It's like just stimulating consumers to "think this product feels good, buy it and try it" or "it's interesting and want to buy it", which are the first steps to success.


In general, consumer psychology can be summarized into the following:

1. Realistic psychology

Pragmatists believe that the actual utility of goods is the most important, and hope that goods are easy to use, cheap and high quality. The consumer groups with a realistic mentality are mainly mature consumers, working class, housewives, and elderly consumer groups.

2. The psychology of seeking beauty

Consumers with a certain economic capacity generally have a desire for beauty, pay attention to the shape of the product itself and the external packaging, and pay more attention to the artistic value of the product. In items such as jewelry and ornaments, a beautiful appearance is essential.

3. Different psychology

The consumer groups who hold the psychology of seeking differences are mainly young people under the age of 35. They pay attention to novelty, uniqueness and individuality, that is, they require packaging to be more fashionable and avant-garde in terms of shape, color and graphics, but do not care much about the use value and price of commodities. Whether a packaging is new or not is very important to them.

4. Herd mentality

Consumers with a herd mentality are happy to cater to popular trends or imitate the style of celebrities. Such consumer groups have a wide age range, and as long as it is popular, they will take a look.

5. The psychology of seeking a name

No matter what kind of consumer group there is a certain psychology of seeking a name, they attach importance to the brand of the product, and have a sense of trust and loyalty to the well-known brand. And a good packaging can prop up the brand's face.

According to these psychology, merchants can re-examine their products and see which aspect of their product audience psychology is biased towards.


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