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Basic principles of humanized packaging

Views: 82     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-10-18      Origin: Site


Consumers' psychological needs for packaging design. As a good packaging, designers must understand the real needs of customers for products. Only by identifying specific consumer groups can packaging design reflect the humanized needs of consumers.For example, consumers of gifts may be more concerned about the packaging grade, and the size of the packaging will be selected according to the purpose of the gift; If it is a product used by yourself or your family, the packaging only needs to function as a product that is easy to carry or protect; Some products are used to show the honor and status of consumers, while more products are just for the needs of consumers' lives.

Consumer demand for cost of packaging design. Packaging is used to reflect the value of the product, not to weaken the value of the product. Too high-grade or too low-grade packaging will weaken the value of the product. Therefore, it is necessary to find out the packaging demand cost that customers are willing to bear for the product, so as to arouse rational consumers' desire to buy. For example, consumers who need fast consumable products in the long term do not want to pay more for the purchase cost of the packaging and want the packaging to be simplified.

Consumer demand for convenience in packaging design. Consumer expectations of the packaging often implies consumer convenience in which the weight of a package, the ease of opening the package, the convenience of carrying the package, etc., will affect the purchase decision made by consumers.

Consumer demand for communicative packaging design. Communication of the packaging refers to the packaging of the transmission of information function. Often an easy to impress the customer packaging is illustrated, and some products containing history and humanities, which often have a very beautiful text interspersed. The power of words is enough to lead the consumer's thoughts in a few moments.


How to achieve humanized packaging?

The vast majority of products in a wide range of packaging are well suited to meet the needs and desires of consumers, but consumers always choose only the products they prefer. In addition to the visibility and satisfaction of the product itself, whether the packaging design understands and focuses on the real needs of the consumer is also influencing the consumer to make a purchase decision.

Humanized packaging should come from life and have a spiritual nature, it may be a trace of a life detail. The spirituality of the packaging refers to the affinity and communication power that the packaging should have, with the connotative qualities of the product itself to impress consumers.

Humanized packaging design comes from culture. There are many products with cultural heritage, but if there is a lack of understanding of the product's history and human connotation, the designed packaging can not show the taste of the product. Once a product's packaging design can be restored to its own cultural connotation, it will often convince consumers, thus attracting their attention and favor.

Humanized packaging design comes from emotion. The multi-dimensional and different nature of consumer psychology determines that commodity packaging design must have multiple emotional appeals in order to attract specific consumer groups.

For example, the packaging design of a certain brand of chocolates can always move people, with red roses for your favorite person, and white snow with house shape for your most missed family members. These chocolates contain a wealth of emotional appeal is no longer just the incarnation of sweetness, different packaging design may make it transformed into angels, Santa Claus and friendship. Such humanized packaging will always move the consumer to forget its high price.

Humanized packaging design comes from the details. The consumer needs the business to observe, understand and meet him from the details. The same is true for packaging, a package that impresses consumers should reflect the manufacturer's attention to consumer details.

Humanized packaging design is the way to consumer demand-oriented packaging, really good packaging should be in line with the direction of consumer demand-centered marketing strategy.


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